Sunday, September 27, 2009

patriarchy gives us hate, so let's move on

my patience for humanity has sunk into a puddle these past few days. mainly because of a movie that has come out that encourages rape.

oh, i should mention that the guy who made the movie doesn't think the legal definition of rape applies to him. i'm just gonna guess it's because he's white. white guys can't be rapists right? i mean, rapists are like black vampires, who attack (white, the only victim that counts) women in dark alleys. that is if you think rape even happens. "rape" implies that women need to give consent. but objects don't have free will.

here's the thing: culture of terrorism=culture of rape=culture of greed=patriarchy.

you want patriarchy? get out of my country, find an island, hopefully with a temporarily inactive volcano, for you and your hateful friends to punch each other in the face all day on.

that all being said, i absolutely appreciate so much in my life. and i have to make so much effort to not give in to fear. i want to live an exciting life, to experience variety. i appreciate the people in my life.

appreciating my enemies and obstacles is a goal i have as a buddhist, but holy motherfucking crap that's a tough goal.

misogynists are extreme narcissists, they cannot imagine a woman enjoying her life without a man. but when you're that narcissistic, why not just date yourself? i mean, if men are the better gender you should be gay, and if you are the best person on the planet why waste time with other people? in other words, go fuck yourself. pathetic.

i am rambling, i'm at my wits end. i have to overcome these fears i have as a result of the complexities of the examined female life.

1 comment:

  1. i love it. i think your brutal honesty with yourself and your audience is definitely one of your strengths, and it shines here. along with your humor. ;)
    i really like the last part about narcissism and how so many men are thereby obligated to be gay--great logic! seriously. i'm going to use that.
    also, it's nice to see your conscious balancing of this frustration with your appreciation for your life. i think that balance is what makes everything so complicated and difficult; but such is life i'm learning.. :) nice post!
